Want to Get Sleepless?

Well, if you live in the Chicagoland area, now you can! Pick up your copy of the Sleepless Phoenix anthology at these fine retail locations:


Apologies to anyone who tried to contact us on the previous email address listed for submissions. Some monsters had been tinkering. Our new (and functional) email address for submissions is: sleeplessphoenix.subs@gmail.com

And to make up for the oversight, here are some more details, which I shall pretend were secret until now, rather than forgotten.

1. As for Survival Stories, the Ages Anthology (which shall likely be the name) will consist of stories ranging from 4-8 pages in length, and a few pin-ups as well.
2. If you are a writer and have an existing story written that you think fits the theme, feel free to send it in its entirety. If you have an idea but haven't written it yet, fire a synopsis over with an example of some other previously written or published scripts and we'll see if it's a good fit for the anthology. If you have an artist in mind, send us a little of his or her work as well, so we can get a good idea of the final piece. If you don't have an artist in mind, do not fret! We'll try and set you up with an artist whose style will mesh with the story.
3. If you are an artist with no writer, send us in some samples of your work, or point us to where in the webs we can see it. If we have a good script match, we can put you in touch with the writer and see if sparks fly.
4. If you are a writer/artist, I hope you are smart enough to piece together the pertinent points from above. I'm sure you are, though.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email.



The Masses Have Spoken...

As the song goes, 'the public gets what the public wants,' we have a theme decided on for the next Sleepless Phoenix anthology - Ages...or Time. We haven't quite settled on a title yet but, by jove, we have a theme.

So the floodgates have opened. Please send in your submissions to sleeplessphoenix.subs@gmail.com. We're trying to get started early and take our time rather than having a mad dash to the finish line.

So please send us art samples and script samples. If you're a writer or an artist working on your own, we can try and find a good match for you, or if you are already working in a team feel free to send in a joint submission.

We're looking forward to sifting through the sleepless mailbox.